Tools-4-Tape is currently on hold while we resolve some Windows 11 issues
Working with tape? You need Tools’4’Tape
Are you having problems with backup tapes?
- Are your backups taking far too long?
- Is your tape fit for purpose?
- Are there tapes you want to erase before disposal?
- Do you want to ensure that the data on your backups is recoverable?
- Do you have performance issues and don’t know where else to look?
- Do you need some custom tape work done?
With its simple to use interface and easy to expand base coding, we have the knowledge and skill to provide you with a cost effective application for your specific needs. Tools’4’Tape is the baby brother of Tapewise, an application used worldwide by data centres and providers.
Current plugins for Tools’4’Tape.
- Security erase
- Health Check
- Library automation
- Tool set
- And we’ve already written custom plugins for out clients
Tools’4’Tape is a a low cost Windows solution, allowing you to connect SCSI/Fibre and other devices easily and cheaply! systems, however we will try and provide support for other Windows versions.
Support is free for the first year. After this you will be given the option to renew your support (including free upgrades) for the following year.