Quick and easy WYSIWYG image resizing
Image Sizer is a shareware application that was born out of my own need for a very quick photo resizer/reducer (and image sizing) software in order to be able upload photos to the net or send to family members. After telling some of my family and friends about this, it instantly became apparent that they needed the same thing! With the help and spec of my family members we created this photo resizer for the non technical user, that allows you to resize images fast and with no knowledge of image processing. Size your photos and images instantly with a WYSIWYG view of the new photo/image loaded!

What does it do?
Digital photography is the norm now, however as technology gets better and better the images often produced by a digital camera run into many millions of pixels which is brilliant for printing! However for digital content on computers and phones, this level of detail is often not required, and can be detrimental to the experience of the website performance. And how often do you see pictures and photos on websites where the aspect ration has been spoilt causing odd looking things to appear, this is where Image Sizer excels as it will always keep the correct aspect ratio of your photos, even after cropping and resizing.